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Album Reviews, part 1

I have recently started adding reviews and ratings to my Rateyourmusic.com page.Somehow I have a feeling they will be buried in there. This gave me an idea to republish reviews here in my Juttuja blog. I will be submitting reviews whenever there are five or so reviews done.

I have absolutely no music taste and I’m heavily affected by friends and critics but still I try to be honest to my personal feelings. Here are the first few short album reviews and ratings. Album arts are showed from Rateyourmusic.com.

Idlewild South3.00 stars
Where is the catch? My description for the album Idlewild South would be easy going and static. It may force you to fall asleep.

Spiritual Unity4.00 stars
Cannot say I know much about music or jazz and even less about free jazz but I have made a decision to broaden up the music field I am listening. Here are my thoughts on the album Spiritual Unity.

Throughout the album I had a feeling that Albert Ayler was in great pain only relieved during the few melodic parts of the two versions of Ghost. Somehow I felt also relieved myself during these parts only to be annoyed by not recognizing the original song behind the melody.

In my rating I am heavily affected by the other reviewers and lists but I will get back to Ayler once I have had larger share of free jazz.

Cease to Begin3.00 stars
This one sounds like Coldplay gone wrong. Although there are more colors in there than with any Coldplay album.

Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends2.50 stars
Boohoo, cry me a river. Viva la Vida… is easily the most boring album from Coldplay. One could think it is about praising the joys of life but instead of praising Chris Martin is crying and rolling in the melancholy of album’s sound. I will rather eat porridge every morning till the end of my life than listen to this album through again. Church bells fgs!

Oracular Spectacular2.50 stars
I am a bit scared if this is where our future lies.

På svenska3.50 stars
Dägä dägä makes it all worth it:

Ihmiselle kaiken tärkein maailmassa on dägä
Näläntunne katoaa kun dägä dägä soi dägä
Tuska häviää kun aina kuulen rokin äänen dägä dägä
Ystävän jos tahdot saada, lähesty ja sano dägä
Vihollinen isänmaassa hyppää esiin ja huutaa dägä dägä
Rokin isku kulmat ratkoo dägä soi dägä dägä
– M.A. Numminen

Third2.50 stars
PortisheadThird (2008)
Boring music does not become interesting with propeller sounds.

There Goes Rhymin' Simon3.50 stars
Kodachrome is one of my all time favorite songs. Unfortunately it will not alone carry this album to the four stars.


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